passionate magazine
Matthew Telesca

Matthew Telesca

Competition and excellence are the twin hallmarks of a successful career in the tech landscape. While qualifications can play a pivotal role, it’s the prudence and knack for adaptability that ensures longevity in this ever-evolving space. As the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of MGN Logistics, Inc., Matthew Telesca is a visionary entrepreneur who has left an indelible mark on the logistics industry.

Transforming MGN Logistics into a Supply Chain Industry Powerhouse

Telesca, the Founder and CEO of MGN Logistics, stands as a shining example of a serial entrepreneur and astute businessman. His journey in the business world has been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by a series of strategic moves that have transformed MGN Logistics into a trailblazing force in the supply chain industry.

Telesca’s early successes laid the foundation for his vision. However, it was his unwavering commitment to turning MGN Logistics into the freight management industry’s premier technology company that truly set him apart. In a digital era, he recognized the potential of web-based transportation management solutions, positioning MGN Logistics as an early pioneer.

The inception of in 2000, one of the sector’s first fully automated freight portals, proved to be a game-changer. Clients could seamlessly quote, ship, and track their shipments online, thanks to Telesca’s brilliant approach. This innovation caught the attention of private equity investors, leading to the website’s acquisition in 2004. Undeterred by this success, Telesca continued to propel MGN Logistics to greater heights. In 2007, he acquired a Boston-based freight management company, marking the launch of a new Transportation Management System (TMS). With a relentless pursuit of cutting-edge technology, the company pioneered transportation modules, such as predictive pricing and intelligent routing, that outpaced industry giants. With offices in Philadelphia, Boston, and Orlando, expansion became inevitable. Recognizing the growing international demands, an office in the Dominican Republic was established in 2013. Strategic acquisitions played a pivotal role in the company’s evolution, including Laser Transportation in 2014; Partage, a Chicago-based digital brokerage,, a wholesale truckload website and Discount Deisel, a fuel app, all in the following year, as well as a leading parcel auditing and management firm in 2018.

MGN Logistics’ Strategic Moves During Challenging Times of Pandemic

In anticipation of challenges that would later become global realities, MGN had already established a cloud-based operational system prior to the pandemic’s onset. This strategic move proved instrumental in facilitating a remarkably smooth transition to remote work when the world faced its unforeseen crisis. Under Telesca’s leadership, the company ensured that this transition was nearly unnoticeable to its customers, a sign of their steady pledge to maintaining seamless service.

Despite maintaining physical offices across multiple locations, including Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Florida, California, Oregan, Nevada, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, MGN displayed dedication to the well-being of its workforce. The majority of its employees continued to operate remotely, a reflection of the organization’s steadfast commitment to employee safety, even amidst challenging times.

Telesca, viewing the pandemic through the discerning lens of an entrepreneur, recognized that it acted as a catalyst, accelerating an ongoing trend towards increased online consumerism. The modern customer, now accustomed to the convenience of online shopping and expedited deliveries, places significant demands on supply chain management. The resultant surge in transportation costs has presented a considerable challenge, yet Telesca sees those challenges as also bringing forth immense opportunities. He foresees a continued shift in consumer behavior globally, amplifying the complexities of supply chain dynamics, and consequently, the demand for advanced freight management technology solutions. In this evolving landscape, the supply chain industry stands at the precipice of unprecedented change, with Telesca and MGN Logistics determined to navigate and shape its future.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, MGN made a strategic acquisition of Republic Logistics Services, a niche logistics company based in California. And, as recently as October of 2022, the acquisition of Lindsey Forwarders, the country’s largest hay exporter based in Portland, Oregon, solidified MGN’s position as an industry juggernaut. Telesca’s visionary leadership has transformed MGN Logistics into one of the sector’s powerhouses, leaving an indelible mark on the supply chain and freight management industry.

Pioneering Supply Chain Solutions Through Technology and Expertise

MGN stands out from its peers in the industry due to a combination of its extensive expertise, experience and technology. The company’s cloud-based platform is highly adaptable, accommodating various modes of transportation, including Truckload, LTL, Ocean, Air, Rail, Intermodal, and Parcel. This versatility provides customers with a unified and user-friendly solution for their entire supply chain.

What truly distinguishes MGN Logistics is its state-of-the-art NextGen platform, which seamlessly integrates with existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). Clients have the flexibility to either integrate it into their current systems or implement it as a stand-alone solution. Their services encompass a wide range of critical aspects, including mode and carrier selection, rate optimization, automated tracking and tracing (even utilizing GPS technology), bill auditing and payment, and advanced analytics. MGN Logistics harnesses the latest power technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, through it’s sibling company, AI Logistics, based in Puerto Rico, providing clients with sophisticated analytical tools to make data-driven decisions.

Beyond technology, MGN Logistics offers top-tier consulting expertise. Their consultants work closely with clients to implement best practices, ensure compliance, and conduct meticulous auditing. This holistic approach maximizes opportunities for improvement and adds significant value to their service offering. MGN combines technology innovation with a consultative approach, offering a comprehensive solution that not only simplifies the complexities of freight management but also empowers businesses to thrive through data-driven insights and optimization.

Impressive Milestones of MGN Logistics & Telesca

Telesca takes pride in the remarkable recognition and accolades achieved by MGN, as well as his personal achievements, underscoring the company’s dedication and diligence.

MGN Logistics has earned the prestigious distinction of being an eight-time recipient of Inc magazine’s recognition as one of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. This achievement speaks volumes about MGN’s consistent and explosive growth, driven by a combination of strategic acquisitions and organic expansion. Furthermore, MGN Logistics’ sibling company, AI Logistics, was honored with this same recognition for the first time this year.  MGN continues to impress its clients by staying at the forefront of digital advancements and next-generation technologies, ensuring that their services remain reliable.

Telesca’s leadership has not gone unnoticed. He has been nominated as one of the top performing CEOs for two consecutive years, a testament to his visionary leadership and the company’s impressive performance. Remarkably, he has spearheaded the growth of two separate companies with an astounding 1000% combined three-year annual growth rate.

In addition to MGN Logistics’ recognition, Telesca’s most recent venture, AI Logistics, has achieved distinction by being the sole Puerto Rico logistics company to feature in this year’s Inc 5000 list of the top private companies. This accomplishment reflects his ongoing goal to push the boundaries of success and innovation in the industry. Together, these accolades and achievements showcase the dedication, vision, and extraordinary growth that have become synonymous with Telesca and MGN Logistics.

Guiding the Next Generation of Leaders with Wisdom and Resilience

In the realm of mentoring and leadership, Telesca emerges as a beacon of invaluable wisdom for the next generation of aspiring leaders. His narrative unfolds with the wisdom distilled from his remarkable entrepreneurial journey and undeniable success.

The pursuit of success, a common thread that binds ambitious souls, often proves to be an elusive treasure. For an entrepreneur, the journey is intricate that demands grit, discipline, and unyielding resilience. Telesca firmly echoes the sentiment that true failure only finds its foothold when one surrenders, echoing the timeless wisdom of Albert Einstein.

For those who embark on the challenging path of entrepreneurship, Telesca’s counsel stands unwavering: Prepare to go beyond the ordinary, transcending the bounds of effort. Be the harbinger of dawn in the office, the last to leave, and the executor of actions whispered only in corridors. In the face of adversity, embrace the specter of failure, for it often serves as the “formula of success”. Success, he reminds, is but the offspring of a commitment unswayed by the trials of time and the crucible of hard work.

In Matthew Telesca’s guiding light, the essence of dedication, the tenacity of resilience, and the relentless pursuit of excellence shine as guiding stars on the journey toward entrepreneurial triumph.