10 Life-Changing Books
People who have faced life in an extraordinary manner teach us about facing life with courage against all odds! Several award-winning authors have written life-changing books which narrate their struggles through hardships and unchanging desire to make the best out of their life. We have put together a list of best-seller books from the self-help genre that will certainly become a life-changing experience and a great motivational read for you.
1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – a Book that holds the power to change a life
This life-changing book by Paulo Coelho brings forth the tale of an Andalusian shepherd boy, Santiago, who longs to travel in search of a worldly treasure, but ends up discovering riches far more fulfilling than he ever imagined. Through Santiago’s journey, we learn about the indispensable insight of listening to our hearts, discerning opportunities, and learning to understand the auspices that life brings our way in diverse forms.
2. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – Best book to change your personality
Rhonda Byrne’s 2016 Best Selling Book, ‘The Secret’ has all the answers to the secrets of Money, Relationship, Health, the World, and Life. How often we have wondered WHAT’S THE SECRET behind someone who rises to fame and success? We get to know some of the most basic yet the most crucial features of the secret to success in one of the best life-changing books: The Secret.
3. The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma – Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity & Serve The World
In The Everyday Hero Manifesto you will find:
- the unknown habits practiced by many of the world’s most successful famous personalities, to realize their aspirations;
- original methods to turn apprehensions into achievements, and problems of the past troubles into victories of today;
- a breakthrough outline to render yourself battle-proof against distraction so that you put all your focus into gaining success in your field of work.
4. Deep Work Book by Cal Newport – for the best focus in your work life
An inspiring book about bringing focus to actions in a world filled with distractions. Written by one of the famous authors from this genre, Deep work will help you become better at what you do and give you a true sense of fulfillment in your life and work.
5. Zero to One – Book by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel
Zero to One is a life-changing book for success that gives you an optimistic perspective of the future of advancement in America and a new way of seeing change and innovation. This book starts by teaching us to ask questions that lead us to find value even in places we wouldn’t expect.
6. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
A success secrets book that enlightens us about the way wealth works. This financial success book will completely change the way you think about money and creating wealth, and this is what makes it one of the best books about money.
7. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie –One of the best self change books
A bestseller book that helps us master the art of how to become more influential build a meaningful business, and live a better life. It is an iconic bestseller and an inspiring book about life that helps us achieve important life goals and get things done, the right way!
8. Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield – The best self-help read
This is one of the most inspiring books and a follow-up to the War of Art. In the War of Art, Pressfield outlines the enemy to living an authentic life–resistance. In Turning Pro, Pressfield teaches us how to conquer it.
9. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – One of the best inspiring books of all time
A motivational book that will guide you into achieving an effective morning routine which will enable you to take better control of it as well as focus on things that matter.
10. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle – An inspiring book about life
A motivational book that tells you about the power you have within yourself. You as an individual already have everything that you need. You already are all of those things that you want to be and this book will teach you how to fight your own ego to become more present, more content, and make the best out of your life on a daily basis.
These Inspiring books by the best book authors can help you in terms of mental health and in general, help you live a life of contentment.
When we read these books, we are motivated to practice and apply their understanding in our own lives, and become better and more successful.